New contract administrator of VDOT’s Integrated Directional Signing Program (IDSP)

Directional Signing Program, was chosen to be the new administrator of the Integrated Directional Signing Program (IDSP) for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) starting on July 1st, 2020. The IDSP is an umbrella program for a variety of sign types that help guide motorists to various essential services, businesses, attractions, tourist destinations, and other points of interest. VDOT’s IDSP includes Specific Travel Services (LOGO) Signing, Tourist Oriented Directional Signs (TODS), Supplemental Guide Signs (SGS), General Motorist Services Signs (GMSS), and now the maintenance of Virginia’s Historical Markers that are located on VDOT’s right-of-way. Our administration of the program offers a turnkey approach where we oversee all the marketing, administration, and operations.

Directional Signing Program is committed to great customer service, effective program management, and safety. We are a subsidiary of LoneStar Logos, which has successfully run the Texas signing program for over 13 years. Connecting travelers and businesses is what we do, and we are excited to bring our experience and passion to Virginia. Our team is committed to providing you with outstanding service as related to your signing needs, while also meeting the needs of the traveling public.